GDR Micro Nano Fluidique

Mois : juillet 2018

Many biological processes related to cells are influenced by changes in cell shape and structural integrity. Therefore, the mechanical properties of cells can potentially be used to reflect the state of their health. This connection between the biomechanics and diseases has been attracting scientific research attention, especially for cancer research where diseased cells proliferate uncontrollably and disrupt the organization of tissue.

More information : PhD_Proposal_mcT.pdf

The treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer is on the cusp of a revolution related to the recent advances in biotechnology. Classical treatments by chemical drugs have shown their limits but some new drugs obtained from the patient itself are starting to emerge. These advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) have an exceptional application potential, but require to rethink the production process of these drugs from living materials. Their manufacture requires implementing complex technology in a controlled environment. This work is part of the MIMEDI project (Microtechnology for advanced therapy medicinal products) which involves 10 partners (6 companies, 3 academic partners and a transfer agency).

More information : Phd_position_Mimedi_Femto-ST.pdf

The Biologics Research department of Sanofi, based at the research center in Vitry-sur-Seine, has the mission of developing therapeutic antibodies in the context of different diseases. As the discovery of potential targets with higher therapeutic implication is advancing, and more and more complex targets are being identified, there is a demand for correspondingly more complex antibodies with sometimes quite rare characteristics. To meet this demand, it is crucial for Biologics Research to increase the throughput of antibody screening and selection processes in order to generate a more diverse panel of antibody hits which in turn will increase the chance of finding antibodies with those rare characteristics.

More information : 2018-microfluidics-proposal.pdf

Post-doctoral fellow will be part of a European project (H2020, Innpaper). Innpaper is a project in the printed electronics field, which is designing a configurable and recyclable electronic platform based on paper. This project will develop three use-cases, oriented towards the food, security and medical sectors. This last use-case will be developed by CEA Leti-Health. Starts September 2018


Flow microreactor systems are quite effective for controlling reactions involving highly reactive reagents. Furthermore, microreactor technology is capable of performing a wide range of single and multiphase organic reactions, requiring small quantities of reagents. The sub-millimeter reaction channels allow for precise control of variables such as reagent mixing, flow rates, reaction time and heat and mass transfer. They are amenable to integrated reaction monitoring and to semipreparative scale-up and also reduce hazardous risks. In this context, many reactions in fine chemical synthesis occur under very acidic and harsh conditions. The main objective of this project is to set-up a flow chemistry platform for developing chemical synthesis including glycosylation under these conditions.

More information : Post-doc-position-PHENIX-IC2MP-POITIERS.pdf

Votre mission : Dans le cadre d’un projet de développement d’un système à ondes acoustiques de surface visant à améliorer le glissement de gouttes sur des surfaces, vous travaillerez en collaboration avec des chercheurs dans un laboratoire universitaire disposant d’une des grandes centrales de micro- nano- fabrication de France.

Plus d’information : Profil-Glissactif.docx

Elvesys est une start-up basée à Paris et en forte croissance, de cinquante-cinq personnes, avec plus de 500 m² de laboratoires. Nous sommes une entreprise unique, un mix entre un laboratoire de recherche privé et un incubateur de start-ups. Depuis 2011, nous avons créé une dizaine d’entreprises innovantes dans des domaines liés à la microfluidique et aux NBIC. Notre but est de participer à l’installation en France des bases de NBIC Valley pour aider notre pays à prendre le train de la prochaine révolution biotechnologique.

Plus d’informations : 2018-CDI-IU-Directeur-de-recherche-2.docx

La broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) est une maladie des bronches touchant une fraction importante et croissante de la population, essentiellement due au tabagisme et à la pollution atmosphérique. C’est en France la 3e cause de mortalité. Le diagnostic avancé de cette maladie est donc un enjeu majeur, surtout dans la mesure où les tests existants sont essentiellement qualitatifs.

Plus d’informations : Proposition-de-thèse-CIFRE-Rheonova-LRP-1.pdf

Nous recherchons un(e) ingénieur(e) ou un(e) technicien(ne) expérimenté(e) en microfluidique dont la mission principale sera de réaliser des études de faisabilité et des preuves de concept dans le cadre de contrats partenariaux avec des entreprises.

Plus d’informations : OffreEmploi_TremplinCarnotIPGG_Ingénieur.docx

More information : Research-Opportunity-at-NIST.docx