This teaching is part of the ED therapeutic innovation available courses.
Last achievements about tissue and organ engineering, and associated technologies (like
bioprinting, scaffold recellularization, organ on chip…) will be presented.
Talks from the best specialists in the domain will be given (Clinicians,, INSERM & CNRS
researchers, Professors from world top universities, industries,..). The workshop will take
place in Paris-Saclay University, at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (april 22nd),
Centrale-Supelec (April 23rd), and Ecole Polytechnique (April 24th)
Mois : mars 2020
A full time research fellow position in Nanosciences is opened in the fundamental research department (DRF) of CEA Paris-Saclay to work in the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur l’Organisation Nanométrique et Supramoléculaire (LIONS) of the UMR CEA-CNRS NIMBE belonging to the Institut Rayonnement Matière of Saclay (IRAMIS). LIONS activities focus on understanding the relationship between self-assembled structures at the nanometer scale and properties of various materials. This research activity applies to energy harvesting, energy storage or for understanding the reactivity of components of energetic systems like batteries or various materials involved in nuclear energy industry. It is also applied to develop technologies for health (nanoparticle protein interactions, screening of nanomedicines, handling of low volume analytes). The LIONS approach is truly interdisciplinary since it blends chemistry (synthesis, elemental analysis), statistical physics, experimental physics both in the laboratory (microscopy, scattering, spectroscopy) and on large facilities (neutron scattering, synchrotron sources). The context of the position and its objectives are linked to the strong involvement of the LIONS in large-scale facilities. Scientific breakthrough will emerge thanks to next generation synchrotrons (enhanced brilliance, coherence) and original sample environments adapted to fully exploit their performances. For example, screening of nanomedicines in fluidic circuits, liquid phase synthesis of nanoparticles as well as operando investigations in liquid. The strategy of the laboratory is to develop and use microfabrication and microfluidics to handle this challenge. In this context, we are looking for a young scientist having a research project which takes advantage of these techniques (microfluidic + synchrotron) in the field of physico-chemistry of inorganic nanoparticles and/or soft-matter. The project has to be positioned at very low TRL but it has also to be coherent with the topics covered by the LIONS (Energy, Technologies for health) More specifically the candidate must have research experience in one or more of the following areas:
- Synchrotron experiments (SAXS, XPS, EXAFS and especially techniques enabled by new generation synchrotrons)
- Microfluidic for operando experiments and/or kinetic of fast processes The future successful candidate will have relevant scientific achievements in the above fields, experience in project/team work and acquisition of third-party funding. Applications including curriculum vitae, academic certificates, publication list with selected reprints and the proposed research project must be sent before 31/05/2020. Before application, candidates are encourage to contact Antoine Thill or another LIONS member to arrange a seminar and discussions with the team members. A formal audition will be organized for selected candidates before July 2020.
Contact :
Antoine Thill: CEA Paris-Saclay DRF/IRAMIS/NIMBE/LIONS Bat. 125 pièce 318C 91191 Gif sur Yvette France