GDR Micro Nano Fluidique

Mois : mai 2015

4 year fully funded studentship: eligibility for UK or EU students

One particularly challenging application within stem cell regenerative medicine is the development of red blood cells for blood transfusions. The requirements are to separate millions of cells and handle volumes of L/hour. The gold standard within this field is the Milteny MACS system, which offers good purity but is expensive, difficult to integrate and requires labelling.

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Within this context, the MH2F team of LAAS-CNRS in close partnership with team 9 of CRCT is developing a new physical analysis technique, which could exhibit such abilities. It is based on the exploitation of microwave dielectric spectroscopy [1]. The technique has been previously developed and validated for cells quantification and viability [2-3]. The core of the project is now to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic agents on lymphoma cells. Despite the efficiency of current treatments, some lymphomas are indeed still incurable because of the aggressiveness or the stage of the disease but also according to the patient. Being able to in vitro evaluate the efficiency of chemicals on patient cells presents therefore a pertinent interest toward personalized therapies.

More information : PD_LAAS_CRCT_2015

Starting period: September 2015

It has been demonstrated by MIT that using hydrodynamic flow focusing in microfluidic channels allows to control the precipitation of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)-b-poly(ethylene glycol) diblock copolymers – a model of biomaterial for drug delivery -. By varying flow rates, polymer composition, and polymer concentrations, monodisperse nanoparticle sizes were obtained, and their performances, as compared to traditional technologies, were more reproducible. This work shows that microfluidics finds applications for the development and optimization of polymeric nanoparticles in the emerging field of nanomedicine. One issue to address however, is the throughput of the microfluidic devices, too low for being used directely in the pharmaceutical field. Parallelization is needed.

The first objective of the PhD will thus be to investigate how microfluidic technology allows the formation of monodispersed multiple emulsions of potential interest in Pharmaceutical Sciences Field. These emulsions have the potential to be used as a Drug Delivery Systems “per se” or as as vectors for nanoparticles (using PLA, PLGA or PLA-PEG polymers) into which hydrophilic compounds could be incorporated. The second objective of the thesis will be to investigate how to raise the throughput, using parallelized microfluidics systems. Ophthalmic drugs, used in small quantities, may be a first application of this approach.

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Les polymeres formant les capsules etant bio-compatibles et le procede necessitant seulement des phases aqueuses, ces capsules peuvent servir de compartiments dans lesquels des cellules, de tous types, proliferent. La realisation du systeme le plus elementaire, un coeur aqueux et une membrane d’hydrogel sur laquelle les cellules n’adherent pas, a par exemple permis de constituer et de suivre le developpement d’agregats de cellules cancereuses.

Lieu : Laboratoire Collodes et Materiaux Divises ESPCI Paris

Plus de détails : These_capsule-ESPCI_LCMD

Contact : F. AYELA
Début : septembre 2015
Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques & Industriels, Université de Grenoble.

Plus de détails : PhDpositionLEGI

La microfluidique présente plusieurs avantages dont le plus important est de pouvoir e ffectuer des experiences sur des temps tres courts, et par consequent d’explorer l’influence de plusieurs parametres experimentaux.

Ce projet se situe dans le cadre de l’ANR TRAM portant sur l’activation thermique de systemes di- phasiques. Cette ANR est realisee en collaboration avec une theoricienne (I. Cantat), des physico-chimistes (F. Malloggi, CEA – LIONS et O. Theodoly LAI – Marseille), et des numericiens (J. M. Fullanna et C. Josserand, IDA – Jussieu).

Plus de détails : Post_doc_ESPCI_MSC

This methodology should apply to biotechnology for the selection of microorganisms involved in biofuel production processes. This approach will open up high throughput experimentation (HTE) on numerous systems of interest for IFPEN and will enable better characterization and knowledge of complex fluids.

PhD position at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) in Physical sciences


More information : theseMicrofluidiqueIFPEN

Starting date : October 1st
University : Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Research team : Biomechanics and Bioengineering (BMBI, UMR 7338 CNRS / UTC)

More details : PhD_BiomechanicsMK_UTC-1

Duration: 3 years

Starting date: September 2015

Application deadline: 22 May 2015

Venue : Toulouse

More information : PhD-Toulouse-ICA