GDR Micro Nano Fluidique

Mot-clef : post-doc

L’un pour le PIAF à Clermont-Ferrand et l’autre à INPHYNI, Nice sur l’étude de la propagation de l’embolie gazeuse dans des plantes réelles (Clermont) et artificielles (Nice).

The Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit ( led by Amy Shen and Simon Haward at OIST is looking for a postdoc with a strong background in microfluidics and rheology. The successful candidate will join a very active interdisciplinary group in microfluidics, rheology, and biomicrofluidics. Recently, using 3D-printed microfluidic devices, our group has reported elastic instabilities and elastic turbulence resulting from fluid-structure interactions between slender flexible filaments and a viscoelastic fluid, by using a number of flow visualization and diagnostic techniques (see relevant references below).

To extend this work, this position is on canopy turbulence in small length scales (related to fluid-structure interaction and flow-induced structural formation in microfluidics).
Candidates with background in microfluidics, rheology, imaging, and microfabrications will be given top considerations. The position is initially for one year and can be extended to 1-2 additional year based on performance and mutual agreement. The position will start as early as January 1, 2022. Interested and qualified candidates can contact Amy Shen ( by Email.

1. Simon J. Haward, Cameron C. Hopkins, and Amy Q. Shen, Stagnation points control chaotic fluctuations in viscoelastic porous media flow, PNAS, 118, e2111651118, (2021).
2. Cameron C. Hopkins, Simon J. Haward and Amy Q. Shen, Tristability in viscoelastic flow past side-by-side microcylinders, Physical Review Letters, 126 (5), (2021).
3. Cameron Hopkins, Simon J. Haward, and Amy Q. Shen, Purely elastic fluid-structure interactions in microfluidics: implications for mucociliary flows, Small, 1903872, (2019),
4. Vincenzo Calabrese, Stylianos Varchanis, Simon J. Haward, John Tsamopoulos, Amy Q. Shen, Structure-property relationship of a soft colloidal glass in simple and mixed flows, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Feature Article, 601, 454-466, (2021).
5. Daniel W Carlson, Amy Q Shen, Simon J Haward, Microtomographic PIV measurements of viscoelastic instabilities in a 3D micro-contraction, JFM Rapids, 923, R6, (2021).

More information about the group can be found:

Please find 2 postdoc positions in Paris in the field of soft matter interfaces and microfluidics. The first project is in collaboration with Damien Baigl (ENS) and Cécile Monteux (ESPCI) and deals with biology, proteins, microfluidics and interfacial rheology. The second project deals with hydrogels, filtration and microfluidics and will be located at ESPCI under the supervision of Cecile Monteux and Bruno Bresson at laboratory of Soft Matter Science and Engineering.

Dans le cadre d’un projet dédié à la valorisation de l’énergie osmotique des mers nous recherchons une chercheuse ou un chercheur pour l’élaboration et la caractérisation de matériaux composites constitués d’une matrice bio-sourcée à base de nano-cristaux de cellulose chargée en particules nano-poreuses ultra-hydrophobes. Ce travail, financé par le labex Tec21, se déroulera dans le cadre d’un contrat postdoctoral de 1 an sur le campus universitaire de Grenoble au Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés en collaboration avec le Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique. Les détails de l’étude sont donnés dans le document ci-joint.

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