Microbes-on-chip Workshop
Posté le 17 septembre 2020 dans Evènement par Pierre Joseph.
Dear all,
Please join us during the workshop “Microbes-on-chip : microtechnologies for the study, use or detection of microorganisms” on October the 30th 2020. As a consequence of new sanitary restrictions the event will be held on line with LIVE Q&A sessions.
In the context of emerging diseases linked to microbes (COVID-19 health crisis, antibiotic resistance in bacteria or neglected tropical diseases) new tools are required to accelerate the discovery of new treatments and the development of tests and multiplexed detection systems that are fast, sensitive, low-cost and widely available. This workshop aims at giving an overview of the potential use of microtechnologies and microfluidics to meet these challenges.
A first session will be organized around the detection and diagnostics of SARS-COV-2 and other pathogens using microfluidic devices. Experts in the medical field will provide their point of view on the needs for technological innovation in clinical practice. The second session will be focused on the biophysics and mechanobioloy of microbes, providing aspects of fundamental research for understanding the underlying physical and biological phenomena that play a role in the development of these organisms (see attached).
We invite all students and post-docs working in the field to submit an abstract for a short oral presentation before October the 15th 2020.
You can find a preliminary program, and information regarding registration and abstract submission at: https://microbes-chip.sciencesconf.org/
Registration is free but mandatory.
Karla Perez Toralla
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committee.